Shabbat Meals
Home away from home
When one walks into the home of Rabbi Danny and Batsheva Cohen on any given Shabbos, the scene may throw them off for a moment. Things laying everywhere, barely an empty inch on the floor to take a step. As you trickling your way up the stairs could be a challenge. It seems like things are hectic, but yet, from the floor above, you hear tunes of Shabbos emanating into the thin Hevron air. That’s when you realize, everything is just perfect.
What’s going on? Oh, the Cohens are hosting nearly 100 IDF troops for a Shabbos. That’s all!
In what has become a Chabad of Hevron trademark, Shabbos meals at the Cohens can often be unpredictable. At Kiddush, there can be anywhere between 20 and 70 troops. By desert, the room can be filled with over 100 young men taking a few moments away from their posts to enjoy the sounds and flavors of Shabbos.
For many, this tranquil moment of song and soul is an outlet of the stress and hardships that come along with being stationed in Hevron. Together with members of the Ratz Chabad team, Rabbis Cohen and Neymark lead a spirited Shabbos meal, complete with delectable foods, inspiring words and combat unit songs intermingled with ancient Chassidic melodies.
For many troops who call Chabad of Hevron home every Shabbos, this weekly respite from the demands of the job remains a highlight long after their tours of duty have concluded. For them it is a place where they can time to reflect on life and welcoming and loving environment.
Shabbos with Chabad of Hevron - transforming challenges into timeless moments of love.